Monday, August 1, 2011

Raising trusses and the final wall

Saturday saw mild weather in the 80s but we had a crew of only 7 framers, smaller than previous weekends. Despite the smaller crew, we were able to raise the trusses on the house, sheet a good deal of the roof, and build the roof over the front porch. Here is a view of the house at the end of the work-day Saturday.
The Sky Trak got a real workout from John this weekend. It's used to lift heavy loads, like walls and trusses, and poor Uncle John had to really navigate it around the trees that surround the house. The trees will be haunting Uncle John's dreams for quite a while.
Lots of visitors came out to the lot this weekend to see the progress, and it was fun to chat with Barb, Linda & Joe, our department chair Carey, Uncle Eric, and some interested neighbors from the other side of Wagner Road. Needless to say, Peter loved the attention.
The difference between Saturday and Sunday was huge.

The picture on the left is the view up the stairs
to the second floor Saturday with the new trusses.

This is the same view on Sunday with the roof up.

Here is the exterior of the house on Sunday. The roof over the covered porch was almost finished, and the shed roof on the second floor is starting to show nicely.
Another view of the house from the street on Sunday.

This is the back corner of the garage. The siding is up and looks great, and it's almost ready for the exterior painter. At 14 feet tall, building this wall was no small task.
The construction of the center window has been fascinating. Sean and Mickey worked on the barrel ceiling around the window on Sunday, and it looks awesome. We couldn't be more pleased with how it's turning out.
What's next? Framing the back porch, finishing the plywood sheeting on the roof, and tying together all of the trim pieces. Paint and roofing should follow closely behind.


  1. Wow, seriously this house is flying! BTW - the shingles look AWESOME! Hopefully it cools off for more work over the next few weeks!

  2. I can't believe how much has been done in the last few weeks. Impressive! Thank you for sharing the updates, for sharing the journey with all of us :)
