Monday, October 10, 2011

Holy sheet rock!

The front door arrived and Mickey and Sean installed it Saturday. We picked a nice six light door with side lights and transom.The door and drywall have really lightened up the interiors, and we're feeling better about the amount of light we're getting on the first floor even with all of the porch overhangs.
The drywall crew started work last Monday, and they made swift progress. By the end of the day Sunday the entire house was finished, and the garage was drywalled Monday. They'll be taping the rest of this week and should be finished in a week or so.
The loft upstairs with a great, high ceilings and tons of light. This may be the best place in the house for house plants.
Lots of out of town buddies stopped by to check out the house on Sunday; we had a great time giving the tour to Sean's brother Matt and good friends Jon and Drew. Uncle John also stopped by to say hello, and we were spoiled with temperatures in the high 70s while hanging out on the back porch.
The rock retaining wall along the garage was built Friday and Saturday. The crew from Margolis was able to use rocks that were harvested from the basement excavation, and it looks better than we imagined. Aimee spent Sunday morning hauling and spreading wood chips to finish it off.
Luckily Peter is the best baby known to man and was happy to hang out in his Pack n' Play while we did some dirty work Sunday morning. Here he is in the basement toasting Sean with his sippy cup.
We were finally able to put most of the Eldons to work at the new house Sunday afternoon. Sean convinced his brother and mom to help stain some cedar that will go up on the porch ceilings.
Mickey and Sean got all of the porch posts up, and Mickey started covering the ones on the back of the house with shingles. Lookin' sharp.

We were so happy to have a beautiful fall day and even happier to have Matt visiting.

This week the drywall will continued to be worked on along with the porch. We've got a ton of materials that are ready to go, like the cabinets, decking, and stone, and we're hoping to get lots of exterior work finished before the weather turns cold.

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